Tuesday, October 8: Leave the leaves. Save the Stems.
Kathy Connolly
Landscape Designer
Accredited Organic Land Care Professional
Fallen leaves, decaying logs, and dead-headed flowers nurture overwintering birds, pollinators, fireflies, turtles, and other wildlife. But . . . it’s all so messy! How can we manage the practical and aesthetic concerns that arise when we keep autumn materials on home or community properties?
Landscape designer Kathy Connolly will share how she experimented for several years with these ideas in her own yard. She’ll discuss what she learned about careful plant selection, plant care, timing, and the role of design in the winter landscape. She’ll also discuss the life-giving importance of winter habitat for insects, birds, and other wildlife..
Bio: Kathy Connolly is a landscape designer who specializes in naturalized designs, low-impact
landscape techniques, and native plants. She works with homeowners, municipalities, garden clubs, state parks, businesses, and others. Kathy has established numerous meadows and meadow gardens and has managed her home meadow for over 27 years. She is active in the Connecticut Invasive Plants Working Group, which awarded her its Leslie J. Mehrhoff Award at the 2022 symposium for her efforts on the topic of invasive plants.Kathy has a master’s degree in ecological landscape planning and design from the Conway School in Northampton, MA. She completed the advanced master gardener program and is an
Accredited Organic Land Care Professional through the Northeast Organic Farming Association
of Connecticut. Website: https://www.speakingoflandscapes.com/
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