Creating & sustaining a world-class park

Mill River Park Collaborative is the 501(c)3 nonprofit responsible for growing and maintaining Stamford’s central park.

The Collaborative was established in 2003 to bring to life the community vision of a central park in the heart of downtown Stamford. As a public-private partnership, it works hand-in-hand with donors and the City of Stamford to make Mill River Park a vibrant, evolving green space where the community can gather to relax, play, learn and connect with nature.
The Collaborative holds a 10-year renewable contract with the City of Stamford to oversee the design, construction, maintenance and programming of the park. About 50% of Mill River Park’s annual budget comes from the city. The other half comes from the generous support of community members like you.

1010 Washington Boulevard, First Floor
Stamford, CT 06901


What Mill River Park Collaborative does

Guides Park Creation

Since 1997 the park has grown from a plan to restore Mill River and reclaim green space, to a vibrant and evolving hub where the community comes together and connects with nature.

Fosters Park Growth

The Collaborative oversees capital fundraising and implementation of a multi-phase master plan for Mill River Park, including construction of a new Discovery Center for visitors and students.

Keeps the Park Beautiful

Donations from the public help the Collaborative staff the park, maintain plantings and infrastructure, and offer environmental educational and public events for community members of all ages.