Tuesday, March 26: Organic Lawn Care for Homeowners
Peter Newcombe
Manager, PJC Organic [WILL PRESENT VIA ZOOM to in-person audience]
You can have a lush green lawn without using chemicals harmful to children, pets, and wildlife. Peter Newcombe of PJC Organic will cover the basics of how to grow “healthy turf” using an all-natural organic lawn care approach. Our focus will be on soil health; lawn conditions; what some weeds tell you about your soil; cultural practices (mowing, watering, fertilizing, etc.) for residential lawns; an overview of product selection; and questions to ask your landscaper.
Bio: Peter Newcombe is an Organic Lawn Care Accredited Professional (OLCAP). An account manager at PJC Organic Turf Care, he works with schools, landscapers, and municipalities in implementing organic lawn care programs. In addition, he has run the service division of PJC Ecological located on the North Shore of Massachusetts for the last 10 years, providers of grounds fertilization services to homeowners, schools, and municipalities. He graduated from Houghton College with a BS in Business Administration and a minor in Outdoor Education. Website: https://pjcorganic.com/
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