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The Nissen Carousel at Mill River Park

Nissen Carousel 30 West Broad Street, Stamford, CT, United States

The Brownstein | Selkowitz Carousel will be open from 9 - 5pm.  Carousel rides are $2 or a multi ride 6 rides for $10 pass is available.  The Rich Pantry […]

“Jasmine Launches a Startup” by Bachar Karroum

30 West Broad Street, Stamford, CT, United States

Come with your family this Spring for Sunday Funday! The kiddos will read books promptly at 10 AM every Sunday at the Whittingham Discovery Center. The read-along will be accompanied […]


Whittingham Discovery Center

Whittingham Discovery Center 1050 Washington Boulevard, Stamford, CT, United States

Whittingham Discovery Center, our newest addition to the park, is NOW OPEN! This state-of-the-art visitor and environmental center has FREE educational exhibits and activities for all ages. Visit today!


Whittingham Discovery Center

Whittingham Discovery Center 1050 Washington Boulevard, Stamford, CT, United States

Whittingham Discovery Center, our newest addition to the park, is NOW OPEN! This state-of-the-art visitor and environmental center has FREE educational exhibits and activities for all ages. Visit today!


Vacation Camp: Rosh Hashanah

30 West Broad Street, Stamford, CT, United States

When school's out, we're here for you! This vacation camp is ideal for ages 5 – 13, and includes a variety of activities, including STEAM, sports, cooking, and outdoor play! […]

Fun Saturday Morning! Explore Fall

Nissen Carousel 30 West Broad Street, Stamford, CT, United States

Children will explore different textures and a variety of bins that is related to October and fall items. FREE, no registration required.

“I Want to be an Astronaut” by Becky Davies

30 West Broad Street, Stamford, CT, United States

Come with your family this Spring for Sunday Funday! The kiddos will read books promptly at 10 AM every Sunday at the Whittingham Discovery Center. The read-along will be accompanied […]

Fun Saturday Morning! Spiderweb Craft

Nissen Carousel 30 West Broad Street, Stamford, CT, United States

Witness how the water-resistant properties of wax can create beautiful watercolor spiderwebs! FREE, no registration required.

“Iggy Peck, Architect” by Andrea Beatty

30 West Broad Street, Stamford, CT, United States

Come with your family this Spring for Sunday Funday! The kiddos will read books promptly at 10 AM and  The read-along will be accompanied by FREE snacks and an activity. […]

Vacation Camp: Columbus Day

30 West Broad Street, Stamford, CT, United States

When school's out, we're here for you! This vacation camp is ideal for ages 5 – 13, and includes a variety of activities, including STEAM, sports, cooking, and outdoor play! […]

Fun Saturday Morning! Masking Tape Mummies

Nissen Carousel 30 West Broad Street, Stamford, CT, United States

Use ordinary masking tape to create spooky mummy artwork! FREE, no registration required.


Luckypawlooza 2024

The 3rd annual Luckypawlooza, presented by Lucky Dog Refuge, is back! Proceeds will benefit Lucky Dog Refuge and improvements of Mill River Park's dog park. REGISTER NOW Bring your pups […]

“Fireman Small” by Wong Herbert Yee

30 West Broad Street, Stamford, CT, United States

Come with your family this Spring for Sunday Funday! The kiddos will read books promptly at 10 AM every Sunday at the Whittingham Discovery Center. The read-along will be accompanied […]

Fun Saturday Morning! Witch’s Broomsticks

Nissen Carousel 30 West Broad Street, Stamford, CT, United States

Let your imagination fly while crafting your own mini witch’s broomstick! FREE, no registration required.

Art in the Park – Masks

Whittingham Discovery Center 1050 Washington Boulevard, Stamford, CT, United States

Get crafty with Art in the Park! Presented by the Stamford Art Association, release your creative energy at the Whittingham Discovery Center from 10 AM – 12 PM with complimentary […]